Pull Requests

The #1 Collaboration Tool

Making a Pull Request

A Pull Request (PR) merges the changes in a branch of a repository to the main branch. This means the main branch has all of the updates that need to get approved before they’re implemented. For the basics on how to create a PR, GitHub has a guide available here.

Most of the pull requests done in the ARFC group are from a feature branch (not the main branch) in a personal fork to the main branch in the ARFC fork of a repository. PRs made in the ARFC organization should:

  • Have GitHub Labels (Difficulty:1-Beginner, Status:1-New, etc.)
  • Have a GitHub Project (Meta, Fuel Cycles, etc.)
  • Have a description in GitHub
  • List requested reviews (usually one or two, consider if more than two is really necessary for your request)
  • Link to an issue
  • Be small (achieve one thing; “atomic”)

Reviewing a Pull Request

Cyclus PR Review Recommendations

Common mistakes and errors

Below is a checklist the PR reviewer should consider before approving a pull request. As a reminder, the ARFC Code of Conduct still applies in pull request reviews. Reviews should be both thorough and respectful.

If you are about to review a PR, consider copying and pasting this checklist into your review comment and checking the boxes as you go along.

- [ ] Read the PR description
- [ ] Read through all the changes, considering the following questions.
  - [ ] Is there anything you can praise about this PR? Start with
  - [ ] Are variable names brief but descriptive?
  - [ ] Are new/changed functions no longer than a paragraph?
  - [ ] Do all function parameters have default values where appropriate?
  - [ ] Is the code clear and clean? (see Robert C. Martin's
        [Clean Code](https://i-share-uiu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma99944155312205899&context=L&vid=01CARLI_UIU:CARLI_UIU&tab=LibraryCatalog&lang=en))
  - [ ] Is there enough documentation?
  - [ ] Does the programming style meet the requirements of the
        repository ([PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) for python,
        [google C++ style guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html), etc.)
  - [ ] If a new feature has been added, or a bug fixed, has a test been
        added to confirm good behavior?
  - [ ] Does the test actually test the new/changed functionality?
  - [ ] Does the test successfully test edge cases?
  - [ ] Does the test successfully test corner cases?
  - [ ] If the repository has continuous integration: does the PR pass
        the tests?
  - [ ] If there is no continuous integration, check out the branch
        locally, build, and run the tests.
  - [ ] Do the tests pass on your machine?
  - [ ] Is the PR free of random cruft (built files, `.swp` files,
  - [ ] Do all files in the PR belong in the repository?
  - [ ] If the PR deletes files, is this appropriate?
  - [ ] If the PR adds files or data, are these new files compatible
        with the repository license?
  - [ ] Make a review, leaving kind comments and suggesting changes
        where needed (to resolve the above).
  - [ ] Has the author resolved all of the comments and suggestions
        in your review?
- [ ] When you approve of the PR, merge and close it.
- [ ] Does this PR close an issue? If so, be sure to descriptively
      close this issue when the PR is merged
- [ ] Thank the author for their contribution.

Responding to Pull Request Reviews

Reviews on pull requests include comments, approvals, and suggestions for changes. Comments can include general comments on the technical substance, documentation, performance, clarity, reproducibility, coding style, and even the formatting of the submission. Changes can be requested for a specific line or lines, where the reviewer can even write their own code to improve the committed files. These changes can either be discussed in the comment box or committed directly from the review with the commit suggestion button. With this button, the suggested changes are committed and pushed immediately to the PR branch, which makes incorporating suggested changes faster. Do not leave comments un-handled. All reviewer comments should be incorporated, responded to, handled, or discussed further. Once the PR has been approved by at least one reviewer, a reviewer will merge the changes and the PR will be closed.