Blue Waters

Blue Waters - From Access to Utilization

Read this page first

Step 0. Get a license for Serpent

Register for Serpent through RSICC and deposit your license documentation in the Google Drive software licenses directory.

Step 1. Communication

Have Prof Huff get you approved for Blue Waters!

Step 2. Apply for Blue Waters

Follow the link and fill out the application You can either receive a virtual token or a physical token A Virutal token is done through your mobile device, and a physical token looks like this:

alt text

Or, if you chose a soft token, install the RSA SecurID app and follow the instruction sent to you by email.

Step 3. Wait

Wait patiently for the token to arrive.

Step 4. Activating Token

With your token, open the email ‘Blue Waters Instructions’ Click the link and follow its directions, and activate your token.

** tip) the pin must be 8 digits, letters and numbers, something that you’ll never forget!

Step 5. Loggin In

Open terminal, type

$ssh [username]

type in PIN+Token#

tip) you can shortname your ssh command:

Open the terminal

$cd .ssh
$vim config


        Host [desired_name]
        User [Blue_Waters_User_Name] 

Then you’d just have to type in

$ssh [desired_name]

For example, you might have named Blue Waters “bw”. In that case, you simply type

$ssh bw

Step 6. Congratz!

You’re in! :)

alt text

Step 7. Module Loading

Various modules can be loaded and the available modules can be listed using the following commands:

Command Suffix Action
module avail   List all available modules
module avail |grep -r [keyword] Search module with keywords
module load   Load module onto environment
module swap [original] [new] replace [orignal] with [new]

tip) ~/.bashrc

If you don’t want to load your modules every time, edit ~/.bashrc and have all your ‘module load/swap’ commands.

$vim ~/.bashrc

after editing the bashrc, you must source it:

$source ~/.bashrc

The Group Directory


How to Download Source Code

Because Blue Waters is an HPC machine, it does not have a package manager (like Ubuntu’s apt-get). This is the reason why one has to build from source.

Also, one does not have sudo, which means that the packages should be built either in your home directory(~) or in the group directory (bahg)

Get source codes by:

  1. Github

    git clone [clone_link]
  2. wget

    wget [link to source code tar.xz or zip file]

    Expand the archive with the tar or the unzip command.